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One character (Single point of view) :JPY25,000

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Jp 日本語


Hello, colouring work primarily as illustrations efforts by RAYGAH ( Liga ) and my name is.
Seeks strong picture of impressions, such as can be imagined story.

Our customers ask us panting as we let painted with heart and soul.

◆ We accept projects so far since late may delivery desired.
◆ the style information
Are going good until about late teens early 30's woman, fantasy.
Draw background, such as building a little because there are anime-only work, putting the natural landscape.

Is coloring how Ganga using Photoshop painting, watercolor painting, painting, painting, etc..
Is not sexually explicit, rape, brutality of illustrations for adults,

Available on request in the rough sketch stage regarding the extent of exposure.
◆ provide amounts
We present the amount can be estimated without a depiction in the anime one fine background illustration.

The amount depending on density of character size, background, full-color or black and white depictions, so please contact us.
◆ delivery time
Delivery and picture a regular work schedule, so about three weeks-one month of we. Free time, please contact us.

  • Creator ID:4767
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:16year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago







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Illustration, character design, coloring


PBW game for anime production for games graphics illustrations
Dvdrip card illustrations
Voice drama character design
Color mobile comics coloring Digital Assistant

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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