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One character (Single point of view) :JPY35,000

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Favorited:  313    6,216cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 130

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.96)

Monthly MVP 2012-December Weekly MVP Week of 3Sep12

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Jp 日本語


Nice to meet you, my name is キヨイチ.

MOE picture and cute style is good.

Dress Gothic Lolita clothing, fantasy style clothing, armor, who as (about the character's tight look and has sanpaku-eyes picture good is also) we are drawn like that also painted watercolor tones is the Pack (s) can draw as well as painting the fine.
Illustrations and original pictures, colouring, etc etc.
For individuals and companies alike, because jobs await

Please ask if you don't mind.

  • Creator ID:4460
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:13year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago






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 Cute deformed dark sexy fantasy Gothic Lolita


■ career
トミーウォーカー co., Ltd. is involved in the PVW and.
2011.07 Co., Ltd.-トミーウォーカー
2011.11-Blue sky of the frontier, Lexie LLC
2011.11-TeamChocolop Each creator business registration mainly tied to illustrations created for PVW on business activities.

From the management directly helped the NPC and actively engaged in the business.
■ Award winning

' Over here ' illustration contest manga time Kirara award

■ production results 2012.08 Co., Ltd. ユナイテッドアーツ "art Castrol!
Grand three kingdoms ' card illustrations create a number of points
2012.08 Co., Ltd. ナイフタン card illustrations create a number of points 2012.06 Inc. polymedia card illustration number of points created 2012.05 USERJOY JAPAN co., Ltd. "stigmata Eldorado' card illustration creation 2012.03 co., Ltd. dunkharts"ウェポンガールズ"card illustration points creation and many others

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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