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One character (Single point of view) :private

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Jp 日本語


Me see thank you.
Things like structure, now working on illustrations and original character or FanFic.
Well said, color personality.
In the high school is wide and shallow to design art involved.
The illustrations almost are self-taught.

Envisioned more ambition is so strong that form when you want to.
1 Basically, as much as possible wide range we accept.
Illustrations, illustrations, mobile games, apps for, advertising cartoon illustration, four-frame cartoon / anime design 1 features illustrations, etc.
Real tones and are basically comical cartoon if comparatively broad, can be changed.
Each wants to work, enjoying the pleasant things.
Unless unreasonable demands regarding the deadline is the adherence to delivery dates.
Would like please let me finish works in works.
1 Delivery date and budget information
Minimize client travellers so your quote please feel free to consult.

  • Creator ID:4015
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:13year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-


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Enters the 3D College after graduating from high school, but dropped out and 2-D illustrations better suited than the 3D design.
And then for my painting and expressive enhancing depicts fan art and original paintings. Play activities in the regional junior high school age from the mother since the live Park pictures or logo design, etc.

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