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Because it is a simple illustration, it can be created in a short time. Currently, I am working on icons, illustrations for SNS, manga, etc. I can draw rough sketches until I am satisfied, so there will be no difference in the image after completion, so you can place an order with confidence. After placing an order, first the rough sketch (simple line drawing and coloring) will be confirmed, then the actual drawing will be created, and the finished product will be delivered after you confirm it. I think I can help with loose and fluffy illustrations, jobs with a large number of pages to be created, and jobs with a short delivery deadline, so please feel free to contact me. Thank you.

  • Creator ID:30668
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:25y.o.
  • Career:0year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 days


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Icons, caricatures, fluffy, simple, illustrations, manga, PR illustrations, introduction illustrations

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