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Jp 日本語

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Fascinated by the Japanese retro worldview, he creates powerful and profound illustrations with themes such as dragons, Japanese monsters, and imaginative creatures (Karajishi, Oni). After gaining experience working at a web design company and an event company, he started working as an independent illustrator. He incorporates ink painting-style techniques into digital works, expressing the realism of characters with delicate touches and powerful lines. He meticulously depicts the scales of dragons, the eerie smiles of monsters, the dignity of demons, and the splendor of phoenixes down to the smallest detail. He provides original illustrations that meet the needs of both companies and individuals.

  • Creator ID:30659
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:2year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within a week




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Product labels, package illustrations, music jacket illustrations, books, goods, signs, town revitalization


Some examples of our past work include books, product labels, idol T-shirt designs, restaurant signs, castle seals, pamphlets, video backgrounds, clothing, pottery, town revitalization goods, etc. We work with customers from a wide range of industries.


[Things we will not allow] ・Transfer of copyright ・Drawing directly on walls or objects (digital production only) ・Major revisions after the rough draft has been decided ・Creating something that is under copyright (secondary creation, etc.) ・Claim that it is your own work ・Distribution of data ・Using it for unreported commercial content ・Selling it as an NFT

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