Cover Image

Mai Kotaki

Mai Kotaki


After working as a DTP operator for two years at a printing company, I worked as a graphic designer for four years. I am good at colorful and crisp illustrations. Since I am raising children, it may be difficult to respond to requests with a short deadline, but I will reply within 12 hours, so thank you for your understanding.

Creator ID:30555





Last Login:Within a month

Standard Price

One A4-sized color illustration :JPY8,000


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Pop female illustration


Graduated from Tokyo Metropolitan Sakuramachi High School in 2018. Joined MIC Co., Ltd. (formerly Mizukami Printing Co., Ltd.) in 2018, where he worked as a DTP operator, making promotional posters for major restaurants, railway model magazines, and real estate advertisements. For real estate advertisements, he worked directly with customers until delivery. After moving to the design department in 2020, he was in charge of designing promotional posters for major restaurants and promotional posters for convenience stores. After leaving the company for personal reasons in 2022, he worked on DTP and design work as a contract worker at the same company, while also drawing illustrations on his own.


We cannot accept any projects that include sexual or violent content. Copyright transfer will cost twice the creation fee.

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Jp 日本語

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