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Standard Fee

Drawing a character for a game :JPY8,000

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Favorited:  2    382cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 3

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

Weekly MVP Week of 15May23

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Agreed on NDA Agreed on NDA 


Jp 日本語


Thank you very much for seeing it. My name is Kukonoha. Currently, I am mainly working on PBW, character design and illustration. Both the character alone and the background included are possible. Please check the sample image for the atmosphere of the illustration. ■ Strong / weak ◎ Boys and girls, women, external elements, natural objects △ Middle-aged to elderly age, design with a lot of metal parts for armor and armor Commercial, doujinshi, and individuals will accept orders. Depending on the content, we may refuse if you are good or bad. We would appreciate it if you could feel free to contact us after understanding.

  • Creator ID:27174
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:11year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 months


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  • 商業書籍のイラスト制作


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2023.06.15 Terms: 27日

    Client: 個人(Publishing and Printing Industry)

    ●Purpose of creating the illustration/Overview: (as detailed as possible) Currently, we are editing and producing a book called “School Scary Story Visual Encyclopedia Curse Volume” (Takarajimasha) su...

    [See more]

  • 商業書籍のイラスト制作


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2022.05.31 Terms: 35日

    Client: 個人(Publishing and Printing Industry)

    [See more]

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Illustrations, character designs, SD characters, illustrations


Illustrations for leaflets and booklets: Private projects PBW related: Character design facial expression difference pinup illustrations, etc.

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