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One character (Single point of view) :private

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Favorited:  6    536cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 12

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.2)

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Jp 日本語

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The picture is good for the men, including MoE (loli system).
Elo is possible, but we refrain guro, rape series.
Manga, creature, anime series is within the range.

Main art supplies is SAI, Photoshop, but analog painting materials is also possible (copic markers, acrylic etc)
Also available on logo in Illustrator, design.
Even for individuals such as flyers, brochure design, business card design, cheap and available.

About the Web design in a range of HTML+CSS is possible if (Flash is negotiable) So I would like to meet as long as any commercial, dvdrip, personal, even small issues can feel free to contact.

  • Creator ID:2530
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:15year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-






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There are no project which is permited to show here.


Comic illustrations, MoE pictures, four-frame cartoon / logo design / decoration


2011 / 02-Mobile game production companies who outsourced work
2011 / 01 ライブイメージキャラクターデザイン 3 points
2010 / 12 デスクトップイラスト
2010 / 10 iPhone/iPad app for character design 1
2 2010 / 10 Years new year's card illustrations
2010 / 08 Blogtoppege the icon image
2010 / 07 MoE Brown character designs 4
2010 / 05 Mobile coupon image
2009 / 10 Opencampuspantfletto project illustration tutorial guide King 2009 / 08 Manga basic drawing girl character ed. original number of points


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