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Jp 日本語


Or MoE can create illustrations for girls youth system. You can draw cartoons and series-winning anthology work well on a regular basis, so.

  • Creator ID:2344
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:124year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-




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MOE illustration of bishounen series pop Akiba


GANGAN wing heaven blade winners awarded

Series debut in the magazine "risked ↓ アプリガール ' 3 vols. sale
Ichijinsha more release of higurashi no around anthology "higurashi around the novel tale of" 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 on writing.
From the company released "higurashi around TSD ' back cover writing.

Code Geass anthology released in 'AZURE', written from the company. Frontier works released "when seagulls cry around the ' written in the DVD special features.


A good illustration of the MoE is a pop wants to challenge in the anime though. Cartoonist activity is currently the men's can draw the character he depicts a girl thing.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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