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Standard Fee

One A4-sized color illustration :private

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Favorited:  4    364cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 4

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

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Jp 日本語

Other Category(s)


Please visit the thank you.
My name is lotz of Illustrator.
Is now mainly are working mainly card game.
The fill and pattern accommodates a variety of taste

To that sense of dynamism and are proud.
One piece from the illustration picture of character design,
Until the original runner. Please feel free to consult us.

  • Creator ID:1821
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:19year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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  • アイドルユニットのロゴデザイン


    Fee: JPY2,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 10.11.01 Terms: 27日

    Client: 個人(アイドルユニット)

    Please produce Idol 'CHERRY-MIN' logo.
    FYI provisional is HP.
    http://cherrymin.Web.FC2.com/index.html AKB and hello Pro, unison cover and main.

    Members would name 12 (will increase in the future, is)...

    [See more]

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Comic series illustration / character design /CG coloring


Work history

2013 ★ ☆ ☆ ★
-Genesis Nirvana-(c) SQUARE ENIX

Illustration 4 of 4
 -Liberation Heroes-(c) Speee, Inc. [iPhone/Android application]

Illustration 1
-ドラゴンタクティクス-(c) enish [GREE] anime illustration 1
 -Unify the country online - Mobage ( mobage ) by DeNA

Original character design 2
 -Game illustration projects (details kept confidential) illustration 4-avatar project (details kept confidential) avatar part 1-Samurai soul (c) 2013 CJ Internet Japan Corp. and NOW PRODUCTION Co., Ltd.
 All Rights Reserved.
 [iPhone/Android application]

Illustration 1

-Game illustration projects (details kept confidential) illustration 8

-Shinki arousal ブレイドブレブ-(c) AltPlus Inc. 2013 [GREE] anime illustration 1

-Gangster game issues (details kept confidential) character illustration 1
 -ヤマトクロニクル-(c) Web station [GREE/Mobage]

Illustration 1
 -Witches-Witches-Moonlight night live-(c) Contents Co., Ltd [iPhone/Android application]

Illustration 1

-Black regalia-(c) mobile factory [GREE/Mobage] anime illustrations 4

2012 ★ ☆ ☆ ★
 -Black regalia-(c) mobile factory

Illustration 1
 -Magic Tower-Wizardry-war-Namco Bandai Games Inc. [iPhone/Android application]

Illustration 1
  -Game illustration projects (details kept confidential)

Illustration 2 of 2
 -Fantastic ミネルバナイツ - GMO game Center co., Ltd [iPhone/Android application]

Illustration 1-( Nyx )
 -Bad road-gang road-アプリボット, Inc. [iPhone/Android application]

Female character illustrations 33 total 66 pattern creation

-Mikuni Hiroshi VERSUS-pokelabo, Inc. [application iPhone/Android] anime illustration 1

-Samurai fantasy-pokelabo, Inc. [application iPhone/Android] anime illustrations 4 -Great war!
 Mikuni Hiroshi battle - gloops, Inc. [Mobage]

Illustration 1

-Sky Legion-(c) AXEL MARK INC anime illustrations 2 of 2

NPC character 1

2011 ★ ☆ ☆ ★
 -Phantom beast Hunter-Company Fuji Television / ウィルアーク Inc. [Mobage]

Illustration 3 of Wyvern Hydra Sphinx-games for original (details kept confidential) Edo period seven original male character
 -"Hug my heroes-Heroes-'-(stocks) AOI promotion like [GREE (future Smartphone only)]

Character illustration 1 point ( Sasaki Kojiro )
 -Blue Sky frontier-(stocks) frontier works like
Official illustration vector illustrations 2010 3 ★ ☆ ☆ ★
-Blue Sky frontier-(stocks) frontier works like
Official illustration event scenarios for illustration 2 of 2

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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