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Standard Fee

One character (Single point of view) :JPY10,000

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Favorited:  8    1,986cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 39

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.89)

Weekly MVP Week of 19Dec22

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Jp 日本語


Hallo!Im Miyaro Japanese only

  • Creator ID:12099
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:9year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 months


線画、設定 MUGENUP様

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  • イラスト着彩のお願い


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2016.08.05 Terms: 91日

    Client: 個人(Scriptwriter)

    [See more]

  • 全身カラーイラスト作成


    Fee: JPY5,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2016.03.02 Terms: 9日

    Client: 個人(Employee)

    -To create the illustration purpose / summary: (detailed)

    Attached pink hair character blue hair character attached to art, the body created t. (from head to toe) in I want to write you a transpar...

    [See more]

  • キャラクターのイラスト


    Fee: JPY5,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2015.06.12 Terms: 9日

    Client: 個人(Student)

    -To create illustrations purpose / description: used in the ornamental and SNS.

    As the message in the picture standing thank you
     -Output file specification:
     File formats: PNG, etc
     Size and sp...

    [See more]

  • キャラクター


    Fee: JPY3,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2015.05.09 Terms: 5日

    Client: 個人(Student)

    -To create the illustration purpose / Overview: icon in appreciation, social networks A uniformed character called Bernadette Riviere's illustrations.

    Please look the fearless laugh.
     -Output file...

    [See more]

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