

Thanks to the support of our users, Skillots celebrates the 12th year of this year (2018) from the birth of the first design of the predecessor.,ja

ファーストデザイン2006年2月 デザイン受発注サイト「ファーストデザイン」サービス開始

The concept of "to provide an environment in which use of Japan's small and medium-sized companies are more familiar design, support to the creation of high goods and services value-added" it, can order the design as easily, such as the "fast food" site hope made it to be the start of the "First design".,ja

Then, release the service also for individuals in 2007. Cartoonist and photographers of Registration also start.,,ja,Year January photography ordering site "Fast Photo" service start,,ja

ファーストフォト2011年1月 写真撮影受発注サイト「ファーストフォト」サービス開始

Feel free to to provide an environment that can be asked to shoot a photographer, until now never been home and sole proprietor of the frequent use of the shooting by the professional, even in small and medium-sized enterprises, the quality of high photos and movies in various scenes aims to continue to expand the playing field of it and photographers that would like to use, it began offering the "first photo".,ja




fastdesign2013Year March introduced a language translation function,ja

Overseas clients Japanese illustrator and cartoonist, provides a feel free to request possible environment to designers, in order to promote the "export of cool Japan", as well as multi-language the site, introducing a translation function to the message function. Since then, it has become a fact of everyday Skillots overseas client (then first design) to prefer the Japanese anime and manga is appointed Japan creators.,ja



2015Change the year in July the service name to "Skillots (Sukirottsu)",,ja,In addition to design, illustrations, video production and voice, such as lighting, in order to build a system that can also join us in the people with the talent of other genres,,,ja

デザインやイラスト以外に、動画制作や音声、ライティングなど、他ジャンルの才能を持つ方々にもご参加いただける体制を築くべく、The name of the service is better to have a variety of skills (Skill) means that you have gathered a lot (lots),,ja,Changed to "Skillots (Sukirottsu)". Official Character even born!,,ja,Integrating the year January first photo to Skillots,,ja「Skillots(スキロッツ)」に変更。公式キャラクターも誕生!


2017年1月 ファーストフォトをSkillotsに統合

To provide a photo / video shooting service as "Breakfast Images", makes it easier to and adding more useful features by integrally manage the "Skillots" that provides services such as design, illustration, support is also one since it this reduction, it is determined that it is higher quality service provision, integrate first photo on Skillots.,ja

Above, I tried to look back to simplify the history of Skillots.,,ja,In the future, Skillots will continue to evolve. Please expect it!,,ja,Opinions about the service, if you have any requests, please feel free to contact the Support Center for Skillots!,,ja



About author

Ken FujitaPlanning director

Planning and management responsible for all of the services of F. Pratt Co., Ltd., including Skillots.
Kanagawa Prefecture Nakano was born in the region live.

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