2024Notice of year -summer holidays,ja,Inquiries to be received during the summer holidays will be available on Thursday, August 17th.,ja


2024Notice of year -summer holidays,ja,Inquiries to be received during the summer holidays will be available on Thursday, August 17th.,ja



2024August 9th,zh-CN,Saturday) Summer holidays,ja,August 18th,zh-CN,We will respond to inquiries to be received during the summer holidays from Monday, August 19th.,ja,July 24th,zh-CN(金) 営業
2024August 10th,zh-CN,August 11th,zh-CN,Inquiries to be received during the summer holidays will be responded sequentially from Wednesday, August 17.,ja(土) 夏季休業
2024年8月11日(日) 夏季休業
2024年8月12日(月) 夏季休業
2024年8月13日(火) 夏季休業
2024年8月14日(水) 夏季休業
2024年8月15日(木) 夏季休業
2024年8月16日(金) 夏季休業
2024年8月17日(土) 夏季休業
2024年8月18日(日) 夏季休業

2024年8月19日(月) 以降、通常営業

,,ja,We will be closed Golden Week from May 27 (Saturday) to May 6 (Monday).,,ja,While being selfish, various inquiries received after 15:00 on Friday, April 26th,,,ja,We will respond sequentially from May 7 (Tuesday).,,ja,■ About confirmation of bank transfer,,ja




In case of payment by transfer, payment confirmation may be delayed. If you are in a hurry, please use credit card or convenience store payment.,,ja,■ About correspondence about new coronavirus infectious disease,,ja





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In F. Pratt has a writer.
Kanagawa was born, grew up in Aomori.

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